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Book Cover Reveal

Hostage to Silence

We are so excited!! Hostage To Silence, the book, is in its final stages of editing!! We have created a wonderful team that has guided us through the process of writing this book. We are so thankful for all their help. There is no way we could have done this with out them.

Tasha Brown- Created our amazing cover.

Karen Alley -Edited the interior of the book making it cohesive and flow naturally.

Amy Bernabe- Edited the visual aspects of the interior of the book, matching Gentry’s art with Brady’s.

Amy Cornett- Photographer tp take the beautiful pictures of Brady and Gentry

At the end of the post is the cover reveal!


Today ABLE united highlighted Brady today in their November Newsletter

Faces of ABLE: Brady

A lot of teens turn to the internet in search of an outlet or understanding, using social media and blogs to share their experiences, challenges and feelings. In that respect, Brady is no different from his peers. His blog, however, and his life experience aren’t like many other teens’ at all. Brady was diagnosed with autism at the age of three and, by five, doctors confirmed that he had apraxia, a neurological disease that makes him unable to carry out everyday movements and gestures. In short, Brady’s prognosis was a big question mark with the only certainty being that verbal communication was unlikely.

After the diagnoses, Brady’s parents weren’t sure what the future would hold for their son — but Brady has flourished with the use of facilitated communication. He continues to impress and amaze his family with his empathy, intelligence and passion. Most impressively, he’s found his voice and has decided that he wants to use it to empower his community.

“As soon as Brady was able to share his voice with us, he made it very clear that he wants to make an impact. He wants to educate the world about what life is like in an autistic community. We hope that Brady is able to achieve his dreams and we know he will,” said Brady’s father, Brian.

Enter Brady’s blog — Hostage to Silence. Now replete with its own online store, Brady’s blog has become a portal into the world of autism, with genuine stories of what his day-to-day life is like, helping to build a bridge for those who may not be able to speak for themselves. He’s working on releasing a book of poetry and has even worked with a New York Times best-selling author to help develop an autistic character who is non-verbal.

Clearly, Brady’s future is bright. But his unconventional brilliance doesn’t necessarily offer the same assurances that a conventional education and professional course would. When it comes to finances and the future, Brady’s parents want to make sure that he can dedicate his life to effecting the change for which he is so passionate, so they were thrilled when they discovered how an ABLE United savings account could help Brady be prepared.

“Knowing that there is another avenue by which he can save for future expenses, where we can save for future expenses, without putting federal assistance into jeopardy is amazing,” said Brian. “And until recently, I didn’t even know that existed. And so that changes the strategy.”

The only savings vehicle designed specifically for persons with disabilities, ABLE United savings and investment accounts are uniquely constructed to maximize earning potential without impacting federal benefits, like Medicaid and Supplemental Security Income (SSI). For persons with qualifying disabilities, money in an ABLE account grows tax-free, and is easily accessible — allowing friends and family to contribute and requiring little maintenance.

“This [account] is amazing because now we can save up money for him to pay for things that maybe his Social Security or his Medicaid will not cover,” said Brady’s mom, Danielle.

The world is changing and people like Brady are exactly the kind of people who should be leading that change. Thanks to ongoing efforts and progress, like the Stephen Beck, Jr., Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Act, federal legislation authorizing all states to create programs like ABLE United, a more diverse and inclusive population will not only find their own voices, but have the opportunity to be heard.

Learn more about how an ABLE United savings account might benefit you or someone you know. Plus, easily open and manage the account online.


Brady's Book Cover


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Bob R
Bob R
Nov 16, 2021

Brady, Danielle and Brian, the video and the blog are so great, I have watched the video twice. You all must be so proud of your son, and Brady, YOU are the one who is doing this. Congratulations to you! And to your parents for everything they do also. We can't wait to get the book once it is published. Bob & Linda Roy


Rosa Laboda
Nov 11, 2021

Brady, we absolutely love the cover of your new book. This is just another step forward in your future. The Laboda‘s are with you all the way. We are so excited for you. 🤗


Nov 09, 2021

This is SO exciting I know for Brady's family, but it's also exciting for all of us that are friends of the family and Brady's cheerleaders! We look forward to receiving the book and sharing it with others. Thank you !

Peter & Nance


Nov 09, 2021

Amazing book cover Brady! I can’t wait to get the book!


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